it is may, 2024
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
if you are viewing this splash page, it means this portfolio website is still new. i am switching over from my previous portfolio and am getting aquainted with the space. please excuse any broken links and please view on a computer for now (mobile coming soon!) images may also load slow at the moment
i am experimenting with what it means to archive and share outside of algorithmic means, and am currently inspired by the movement of the poetic/small/indie web. this discovery has helped me to revisit my old passion for imperfect handmade websites.
i am also in a womb like space, liminal between nodes
simultaneously emerging and deep into a period of ill health
you'll see many scans scattered throughout this "portfolio", as a sort of half-joke, an homeage to body as self, scan as self-owned, disease as interwoven and inseperable from any "work" i have done. any pretense of productivity here is also parallel to the need for rest and the uncertainty that has come with rare and undiagnosed disease, and the occlusion of identity and willpower i have experienced through the process
there is clearer context to come. i intend for all of these blocks to link out to detail pages, but for now there is a hybrid of clickable/non-clickable links. i supposed we will just have to live with
mystery ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


beginning a Master's in Philosophy with a concentration in Bioethics
Indiana University Indianapolis

taking part in the Yale Foundations in Bioethics program in May

lots of self-guided learning along the way ~ ~ ~
ct myelogram
lumbar puncture
kidney ultrasound
cervical spine ct
pelvic x-ray
cervical spine mri


I went to 47 medical appointments in 2023. I spent the year living at home with my parents in my hometown. I had surgery. I crawled into a void.
modified barium swallow study
lumbar and thoracic spine mri
cervical spine mri
scoliosis x-ray
love is a dying cassette design


looking back on it, I played a lot of shows in 2022. I got pretty burnt out. at the same time, I had just taken medical leave from graduate school at UC, where I had to leave behind a career in mental health counseling due to a mystery neurological illness. I was trying to figure out what I could do, and how art could fill the gaps left by an uncertain body
digital multimedia teacher (almost - there were issues with city school funding, so the opportunity to teach was not realized)
pelvis mri


performed at the inagural Analog Fair
photo by Vy Pham
Mental Health Counseling Practicum & Internships
UC Health, Waybridge Counseling, and St. Veronica's School


Partial Graduate Studies in the MA program, Mental Health Counseling
39 credit hours
University of Cincinnati, 2020-2022
after studying for some graduate credit in the Psychology and Neuroscience program at KCL, I decided that I wanted to do something in the mental health field that was clinical and client-focused. this is what led me to change Master's programs to UC
I ultimately had to take a medical leave from my studies at UC due to unsolved medical issues, which I didn't want to do
spine x-ray


brain mri
holter monitor


Partial Graduate Studies in the MSc program, Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health
8 credit hours
Kings College London, 2018-2019
Speaker at ElixirConf 2018, Seattle
"UX Design Practices for Real Time Apps"
w/ Tim Mecklem
conference talk


Speaker at Adobe Creative Jam 2017, Cincinnati
conference talk


Bachelor's of Arts in Interactive Media Studies
Minors in Studio Art (Photography) and Music Performance (Violin)
Magna Cum Laude, University Honors
Miami University, 2016


Alien and Old Man


in undergrad, I was a hot mess of interests. I switched my major 3 times and ended up with 2 minors by the end! first I majored in engineering, then math, then studio art, then finally interactive media studies. my minors were in studio art (photography) and music performance (violin). I did a lot of zany projects that I should have archived better
2007 ~ wrote my first song called "It's Cold Out Here" and put it on Myspace under the bandname "Permafrost"

other archives

total list of classes archive
coming soon!
music covers archive
coming soon!
live show list/photo/video archive
coming soon!
full photography archive
coming soon!
things I want to add to my website!
  • turn font sizes into em
  • mobile design
  • add more detail pages
  • gethsemini photo collection
  • healer photo collection
  • every website i've made list
  • ways of sound archive